For God’s sake, flying on a plane doesn’t need to be this hard.

When boarding a flight, all one really needs to do is get to their seat, load their bag, sit down and shut the hell up. Despite this, this year has seen an unreasonable number of in-flight freak-outs, from women sleeping in overhead bins, to flyers launching into patriotic rants, to individuals becoming possessed. What are they putting in the in-flight meals these days?!

Now, it’s happened again. According to the user who filmed this video, a woman was sitting in the exit row when she said that, if she were in an emergency situation, she was only going to save herself, not anyone else. From there, it got worse.

Emergency exit row passenger gets kicked off after refusing to acknowledge flight attendant’s pre-flight exit row safety instructions, gets arrested
byu/Ezziboo inPublicFreakout

When the flight attendant came to tell her the rules about being in an exit row, she simply nodded her head. In case you weren’t aware, you have to verbally agree to the rules, both to indicate that you speak English and to show you heard the instructions.

This passenger opted not to do this, throwing a fit instead. She repeatedly states that she needs to get a child from school upon arrival, at one point claims she’s calling her attorney, and in general, is being a massive dick.

Pretty much everyone on the plane tries to get her to calm down — and when that doesn’t work, the police come and arrest her. I strongly recommend watching to the end of the video to hear the crowd’s commentary when this happens — simply golden.

Next time, save the shouting until you land.