
29 Memes and Tweets to Deal With the After Xmas Limbo

Its Tuesday! Or Thursday? Wait, it actually might be Sunday. The days after Christmas are a lot less clear than the days before it. There is no advent calendar for after Christmas. It’s all naps, watching terrible movies with your mom, and being forced into unpaid labor around your childhood home.

So to help keep you sane and give you a break from all the riff-raff, we’ve gathered some memes and tweets. Time is an illusion. It makes no sense why you’re a grown adult taking naps in the middle of the day and wondering if you should have your 3rd plate of Christmas dinner leftovers. Before you go and dust off that old video game console from your bedroom and ultimately never play because you're missing a cable and your parents store their cable wrapped up together in a ball that hasn’t been touched since 2005, look at some memes!

We can’t help you figure out the what time or day of the week it is but we can provide some funny memes while you trudge through this annual state of limbo. 

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