Watch Dustin Poirier Send Conor McGregor to the Shadow Realm One More Time Historic knockouts and soothing piano: a match made in a weird part of heaven.
Blockchain Based Games Give Us a Glimpse Into Our Virtual Future Is blockchain gaming here to stay in a competitive and real way? Games like Zed Run and NBA Top Shot show the possibility for wealth and success...
25 Foolish People Being Savagely Called Out Online Nothing quite like people getting called out in the comment section.
Skater Faceplants into a Truck Bed During an Attempted Trick He's gonna need to see a dentist and a plastic surgeon after that gnarly fail.
'To All the Women Gordon Bombay (the Mighty Ducks Coach) Has Banged Before...' Hockey player, turned lawyer, turned coach, turned lawyer again. Gordon Bombay is a playboy on and off the ice. So we took a deep dive into the ladies of Emilio's life throughout the critically acclaimed 'Mighty Ducks' trilogy.
Megan Fox Discussing Crystals and Astrology Is Cringe AF Not sure why this stuff is so huge right now but can we stop already?
Marvel's 'What If...?' Trailer Dropped and We're Here for All of the Chaotic Energy What if Yondu brought a young Prince T'Challa into space instead of Peter Quill?
Guy Discovers Insane Secret Images in the Canadian Passport This guy placed his brand new Canadian passport under a black light, revealing a plethora of eye-popping hidden designs that are WTF levels of...
15 Things You Never Knew About E.T., The Game That Nearly Killed the Industry E.T. for the Atari 2600 is downright infamous. Even gamers who never played it know that this was the game blamed for the video game crash of...
Hilarious Farmer Leaves WTF Present for Pesky Tourist Parked in His Field A tourist to the local area decided to park his car in on a field that the farmer was busy working on. And, unfortunately for him, the farmer...
39 Damn Fine Pics Packed To The Brim With Cool Funny memes and random pics collected for you from all corners of the Internet. Start your week off on the right foot.
Giant Squid Attacks Surfers Chilling in Open Water It's all fun and games until you're dragged to the bottom of the cold and lightless abyss.
33 Funny Memes and Pics From the Games We Play If you're here looking for memes, then you've come to the right place.
Girl Learns a Painful Lesson Attempting Trampoline Pool Dive It's never a good idea to jump off of a roof and into a swimming pool, but it is always a bad one.
30 Marriage Memes to Enjoy Together Settle in for the long haul with some marriage memes that accurately encapsulate the daily comedy that is married life.
YouTube Real Estate 'Guru' Gets Called Out, Exposed Remember kids, ALWAYS check the credentials of anyone on the internet who claims they're an 'expert.'