It's a brand new year, and a brand new week so take a few minutes to enjoy something familiar and satisfying. Kickstart the first Monday of the new year off the right way with a fresh batch of tasty memes.
Every workplace has its own dirty little secrets, and some of them rage from shocking to straight-up disgusting. One thing you can never prepare is when a disgruntled employee leaves the company, is what type of things they may be willing to divulge.
Life is full of all kinds of awkward and uncomfortable moments. Some people bring it on themselves, while others are just the unfortunate victim of circumstance. Check out this batch of pics that made us wince in cringe.
A dad often wondered what his young son thought about and said during his hockey practice, so he decided to "mic him up" so he could get an idea. The result is a short clip filled with funny moments and ramblings from an adorable 4 year old boy's mind.