If you move into a new place or are just doing some renovations where you live currently, it's worth keeping your eyes open and having a look around because you never know what you're going to find.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of locks in the world, and the Lock Picking Lawyer has been through his fair share of them. However, today the LPL finally uses the one device he never uses to open a lock... the key.
As we prepare to make our way through another long week don't forget to slack off a bitch and check out some pics! So kick back, relax, and scroll through this awesome assortment of amazing images for your sheer enjoyment!
These two guys better rush straight to the store and buy some lotto tickets because they are extremely lucky. May this also serve as a reminder to never walk under suspended equipment or materials.
From auto warranty scams that became a meme, to the rich figure who needs help moving millions of dollars, we've all been there. Check out this funny batch of pics where people got fed up and decided to call out or troll scammers at their own game.
There's no doubt that MMA and any type of professional fighting is not a sport for the faint of heart. The amount of savage punishment these guys deliver and put themselves through is crazy. While I don't necessarily agree with the order these are ranked, they would all be devastating to suffer though!
Make sure you take some time for yourself this weekend to kick your feet up and relax for a bit. Monday will be here before you know it so unwind before another week of work, school, or whatever you got going on, begins.