The long-awaited fourth film in the groundbreaking franchise that redefined a genre. The new film reunites original stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss in the iconic roles they made famous, Neo and Trinity. The Matrix Resurrections in theaters and on HBO Max December 22nd.
The World is a fascinating place full of call kinds of odd, interesting, and neat stuff. Check out this collection of unusual things people spotted and just had to share with the rest of us.
Skyrim is the game that keeps on giving. And with Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda, many gamers are worried they won't be able to play Skyrim 6, if and when it ever is released.
ArmA 3 is an open-world military tactical shooter that was released by Bohemia Interactive in 2013. However, a collection of Indian news channels has used footage from the game as proof that Pakistan's airforce has launched strikes in the Panjshir Valley.
Before his breakthrough roles in the TV series 'Kim's Convenience' and Marvel's 'Shang Chi' respectively, actor Simu Liu starred in stock photo shoots.