Cat And Squirrel Play On A Roof Top
- Just a couple of unlikely animal friends, messing...
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Wrestling A Grizzly Bear In My Garden
- Doug Seus is a man who thinks nothing of play...
Amazing Natural Phenomena - Murmuration
- Two women on a canoe trip captured this amazing...
These Animals Aren't Great At Jumping
- 27 Gifs of animals taking the leap, and failing...
If A Deer Farts In The Woods...
- Maybe he's just trying to hide his scent from any...
When Disaster Strikes
- 24 Powerful images of destruction.
Hawk Attacks Cell Phone Tower Worker
- A hawk doesn't like this man on "his" tower and swoops...
21 Sex In Nature Pics
- 21 pictures of Earth porn, tree sex, vagina flowers,...
Hey Guys, Please Calm Down
- A cat watches two cats (off screen) arguing and pleads...
The Cosmos Come Alive
- Follow the ancient unbroken cycle of sunset, to night,...
Dogs Vs. Cats Teaching Styles
- See how dogs teach their pups, vs how cats teach their...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Talented Skateboarding Super Cat
- Here is the world's best skateboarding cat!
A Doggy Dance Party
- Someone has to start the party!
"La Peur" - The Fear
- A compilation of scaredy cats.
Just A Cat Chillin' In A Bowl
- Can you guess the number of f*cks given by this cat?
22 Animals You've Never Heard Of
- Creepy, crazy, and weird animals that you've probably...
Husky Says NO To Kennel
- When asked if he wants to go into his kennel, his...
Guy Figures Out Why He's Always Late
- Can't blame the dog, he just wants to sleep in!
Smart Bird Plays Dead To Get Away
- Clever bird plays dead until the last moment, then...
Clever Dog Raids Oven For Chicken Nuggets
- A hungry dog overcomes several obstacles to get a...
This Cat Loves Hugs
- Man hugs his cat, the cat hugs him back, and the...
A Baby Polar Bear's First Steps
- These are the first steps from Polar Bear cub at the...
Defective Dog Siren
- This cute howling dog just can't seem to get it right.
Guy Provokes A Huntsman spider
- An Australian man gets bitten while showing us "his"...
Crab Steals GoPro Camera
- Maybe he is just camera shy, or he doesn't want big...
Icy Highway Causes Multiple Accidents
- These commuters in Colorado Springs are in for a wild...
Dog Receives Some Bad News
- Didn't wanna be the one to tell you this, but...
Geyser Errupts In Sub-Zero Temperatures
- A Geyser in Iceland during record cold looks like...
Shooting Boiling Water Into -41C Weather
- Here's what happens when you shoot boiling water from...
Poured Concrete Reveals A Massive Insect City
- 10 Tons of cement reveal a huge subterranean structure.
Wild Turkey Chases Delivery Guy
- You don't see that everyday!
True Facts About The Armadillo
- The armadillo gets the always entertaining True Facts...
What The Frack!
- Funky water in North Dakota caused by drilling.
Man Captures Unexpected Lightning Strike
- That seemed to be a little too close for comfort!
Birds Show Drone Who's Boss Of The Skies
- Birds attack phantom drone quad-copter causing crash...
The Best Dog Vines of 2013
- A collection of the funniest and most favorited dog...
Young Kittens Struggle WIth Physics
- Let's all learn physics together, with the kittens!
Tiger Practices His Ambush Technique
- Practice makes purrrfect!
Science And Nature Are Awesome
- 59 facts and photos about the awesomeness of world...
eBaum's Picks