Being a politician in Mexico is like being friends with Diddy — one wrong move and you’re going to (allegedly) end up in a burned-out car.

Recently, Mexico announced that it would be electing a new president to replace the wildly popular current leader, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known as AMLO.

This happened during a contentious nationwide election in which 37 people were assassinated — which Sky News helpfully reminds us is just “one more than during the 2021 midterm election.”

Despite these assassinations during lower level elections, the presidential run went off (largely) without any major issues.

The new Mexican President, former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum, is a first for the country in many ways. To start, she’s a woman; second, she’s Jewish, though NBC News notes that she says she “isn’t religious and describes her Jewish heritage in cultural terms.”

Unfortunately for Sheinbaum, the announcement of her presidency has, through no fault of her own, already put her on a rough path.

First, a former Mexican president has already accused her of rigging her election, a claim that isn’t substantiated by, well, anything, it seems.

Next, a bunch of people with no familiarity with Mexican political history took it upon themselves to share their thoughts on her election, getting some very basic details wrong in the process.

Finally, some accused Sheinbaum of not *really* being Jewish — not because she says she isn’t religious, but because she thanked Jesus during her acceptance speech. The problem? Jesus is the name of her husband. Pop over to Mexico, and you’ll find that it’s a really, really common name.

Personally, I wish all the best for Sheinbaum — let’s hope to increase wages, improve social infrastructure and get that assassination number below 30 by the time of her next election!