“The aliens are already here” is the type of thing you’d expect to hear at the end of a dive bar when you end up cornered by someone who has had one too many and spent a little too much time online. It’s not what you’d expect to hear from a former colonel and high-ranking government official who was the recent head of the Pentagon’s Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Task Force.

Yet Colonel Karl Nell has done just that, confirming that aliens are real and have been hanging out on our planet for a while. And this isn’t him accidentally saying the wrong thing to a reporter either; Nell has repeatedly shared that aliens have been to Earth, and he strongly implies that the government is well aware of this.

“Non-human intelligence exists,” Nell said during a Zoom call. “Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humans on this planet. This interaction is ongoing and is not new.”

It was Nell’s first time speaking publicly on this subject since making similar comments back in May. But the major difference this time is that Nell seemingly confirmed that he has witnessed this “non-human intelligence” firsthand.

“I’m speaking to you today to say that there is zero doubt that this is absolutely true,” Nell said in reference to humans and aliens interacting. “I know this personally.”

It does feel like if there really is evidence that confirms the existence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth, we’re getting close to that information coming to light. There’s been a noticeable uptick in shit flying around the sky that nobody has been able to offer real explanations for, plus, a growing number of government officials coming absurdly close to admitting aliens are definitely here.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has been trying to get the government to be more transparent about their alien knowledge, and his push has received bipartisan support, suggesting that his fellow senators don’t see Schumer as a complete loon.

And, of course, let’s not forget about the fleet of unidentified flying objects that were spotted around a military base in Virginia last year. The government was unable to track these UFOs down and still has absolutely no clue where the mysterious flying drones came from, despite them hanging around for several weeks.

So if you want to believe, keep your eye on the sky and perhaps you’ll get to witness some more evidence that we’re already in the midst of a full-blown intergalactic invasion that we can only hope is peaceful.