Autocorrect has led to some pretty embarrassing mix-ups. From saying “sorry for the incontinence” to saying you suffer from a case of “milf dehydration,” the service that’s designed to help us can, more often than not, end up hurting us.
Recently, a user on TikTok named Alexandra recounted how she had to call a handyman after her apartment had some flooding. However, when Alexandra texted him to confirm the time of arrival, he answered with a simple, “Yes, mama.”
Of course, he followed up soon after with a “ma’am lol autocorrect.” A few commenters, though, think that something else was afoot. “You took too long to respond, and he panicked,” wrote a user.
“Should’ve texted back ‘No, mama is fine,’” offered another.
“Sounds like another pipe might’ve just burst,” joked a third.
At the end of the day, it was probably just autocorrect… unless?