Avatar Superfan Has No Regrets about Covering His Body with Avatar Tattoos

Twitter user MrAvatar18, or as his followers refer to him Mr. Avatar, is an Edmonton, Alberta native with a passion for James Cameron's Avatar.

By zachnading

Published 2 years ago in Wow

Twitter user MrAvatar18, or as his followers refer to him Mr. Avatar, is an Edmonton, Alberta native with a passion for James Cameron's Avatar.

Twitter user MrAvatar18, or as his followers refer to him Mr. Avatar, is an Edmonton, Alberta native with a passion for James Cameron's Avatar. Owner of Mr. Avatar Carpentry, the superfan wears his heart on his sleeve, literally. His love for all things Avatar can be seen covering his body.

An avid runner, Mr. Avatar loves showing off his new ink which currently runs up underneath his neck. Show me someone who loves Avatar as much as this guy, and I'll show you a liar.

It's a bold move to cover half your body in ink. Especially 'Avatar Blue', but hey, to each their own. Honestly, loving a film so much that you would go to such a length to show off your fandom is admirable, albeit weird. 

Tattoos aside, Mr. Avatar also recently tweeted out a video with the caption "Avatar 2 Will Change Movies Forever." To say he's a fan would be an absolute understatement. We congratulate you on your passion and tenacity. 

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