Billy McFarland - consulting $1800, pyrt

Billy McFarland, the Fyre Festival guy, is out of prison and ready to take the market by storm. This time, he's putting together a service called "PYRT," pronounced "pirate," which he calls a "virtual immersive decentralized reality." What could go wrong?

McFarland has been in prison for the last four years after defrauding investors out of $26 million for his infamous failed Fyre Festival. If you're unfamiliar with it, there's an entire Netflix documentary. 

Despite plenty of time to cook up new ideas over the last four years, McFarland has settled on PYRT, which revolves around a real-life island, and the virtual recreation of it. Despite adamantly claiming that this is not the Metaverse, it certainly looks like it. You can hear it all from the horse's mouth on his TikTok.

In the meantime, it's no surprise that McFarland is strapped for cash, and it looks like he has an idea to help fix that. A link off of the PYRT website advertises 1-1 consulting for the small fee of $1,800 an hour, you know because he has such an impressive track record of success. 

Billy McFarland - consulting $1800, pyrt

To help with cash flow, McFarland has also started a Cameo, where personalized videos are $69, and business videos $2,800, though he claimed it will only run for a limited period of time. You have to admire his hustle, but anyone who seriously thinks about putting their money anywhere near this guy and his ideas should have their head examined. Unfortunately, people are pretty stupid. As one comment says, "New Netflix doc coming in 2024."