Bizarre Papa John Interview is Breaking the Internet Today
He's had 40 pizzas in the past 30 days and sweats out garlic sacue.
Published 5 years ago in Funny
Papa John sweating out garlic sauce after eating 40 pizzas in 30 days.
In one of the weirdest interview bits ever recorded, the ex-CEO for Papa Johns, John Schnatter, wants everyone to know that he's had 40 pizzas in the past 30 days and that "the day of reckoning will come."
The Papa John interview is lovely
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) November 26, 2019
The entirety of Twitter is now roasting Papa John and it's the best thing ever. I mean, just look at the man, he looks like a meatball that has been sitting out in the sun for hours. Papa is suffering from the meat sweats real bad.
My favourite part of this interview (and there’s much to love) is that Papa John thinks a lack of pizza experience is a criminal offence.
— Wes Walcott (@WesWalcott) November 26, 2019
I’m gonna tell my kids this is Papa John.
— ghibby! (@CaffeineAndHate) November 26, 2019
Judging by that Papa John's interview, I think that he might actually be using that garlic sauce as conditioner
— Premium Steve (@Premium_Steve) November 26, 2019
My advice Papa John aka Schnatter , next time you want to tell your side of the story in a exclusive interview, don't drink a bottle of cheap scotch while snorting 3 lines of coke.
— Drunk John Madden (@MaddenSatire) November 26, 2019
Dude looks like a hooker in church while he sweats garlic sauce from his pours.
The Fall (2019) dir. Jonathan Glazer
— rob trench (@robtrench) November 26, 2019
Papa John Interview (2019) c/o WDRB News
Papa John's bizarre interview becomes even more chilling if you set it to The Joker's theme from The Dark Knight.
— Mike Beauvais (@MikeBeauvais) November 26, 2019
everyone keeps commenting on how fucking weird Papa John sounds in that interview and it's obviously because at the time of filming he had an entire god damn pizza shoved in his mouth to meet his 40/month goal
— berlin (@berfersure) November 26, 2019
Not to be lost in the wake of the Papa John interview: he is wearing a shirt that says Jeff Baseball
— Dan Clyne (@danCLYNE) November 26, 2019
ESPN presents: 40 for 30: The Longshot Comeback of Papa John.
— RMc23 (@ItsMeRMc23) November 26, 2019
What if I told you a disgraced pizza magnate, who once made a pizza so awful the homeless would turn it down, ate so much of his own product that he would sweat to death during a TV interview.
I’ve watched that Papa John interview clip 400 times and I am convinced he is literally transforming into a pizza. His skin is greasy as shit.
— Barry McCockiner (SEE PINNED TWEET) (@DrTroopLover) November 26, 2019
papa john did this interview immediately after crawling out of a deep fryer.
— Maggie Serota (@maggieserota) November 26, 2019
Makeup artist: "Mr. John, I think you have enough vaseline on your face for this interview."
— CogginToboggan (@CogginToboggan) November 26, 2019
I want Adam Mckay to make a movie about Papa John and I want that interview clip to be the final scene.
— Richard Newby (@RICHARDLNEWBY) November 26, 2019
Cast Ray Liotta and get him that Oscar nomination he deserved for Goodfellas.
So it goes The Shining, Doctor Sleep and then Papa John Interview right? Can’t wait.
— Tony (@alwayzchi) November 26, 2019