Bizarre Papa John Interview is Breaking the Internet Today

He's had 40 pizzas in the past 30 days and sweats out garlic sacue.

By toaster_strudel

Published 5 years ago in Funny

In one of the weirdest interview bits ever recorded, the ex-CEO for Papa Johns, John Schnatter, wants everyone to know that he's had 40 pizzas in the past 30 days and that "the day of reckoning will come."

Ex Papa Johns CEO, John Schnatter conducts one of the weirdest interviews ever and is currently breaking the Internet.

Papa John sweating out garlic sauce after eating 40 pizzas in 30 days.

In one of the weirdest interview bits ever recorded, the ex-CEO for Papa Johns, John Schnatter, wants everyone to know that he's had 40 pizzas in the past 30 days and that "the day of reckoning will come."

The entirety of Twitter is now roasting Papa John and it's the best thing ever. I mean, just look at the man, he looks like a meatball that has been sitting out in the sun for hours. Papa is suffering from the meat sweats real bad.

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