'At Least He’s Still Alive': A Boeing Whistleblower Claims He Had His Tires Slashed

If you speak out against Boeing, you’re Boeing to end up with a target on your back.

By Braden Bjella

Published 11 months ago in Wtf

If you speak out against Boeing, you’re Boeing to end up with a target on your back.

If you speak out against Boeing, you’re Boeing to end up with a target on your back. At least, that’s how it seems given the recent spat of incidents involving Boeing whistleblowers.

In case you forgot, a Boeing whistleblower was recently found dead after allegedly taking his own life (and just after telling a friend that he was in no way suicidal, and after buying Taco Bell and not eating it — not suspicious in the slightest, IMO).

Now, another Boeing whistleblower has come forward, and let’s just say it’s not going well for him.

According to Senator Richard Blumenthal, Boeing whistleblower Sam Salehpour said that he had a bolt put into his tire that he believed came about while he was raising safety concerns about his time at the company.

Given the severity of Salehpour’s allegations, the idea that someone may have it in for him isn’t too surprising. For example, one of his claims is that “sections of the fuselage of the 787 Dreamliner are improperly fastened together and could break apart mid-flight after thousands of trips,” per the New York Times.

That could really ruin a vacation!

Salehpour says the retaliation didn’t stop at just the bolt in his tire. He claims he was moved around the company, berated by his boss and, in general, was basically told to “shut up” about all of the issues he was seeing. “Sam, I hear your concerns that our planes might kill everybody, but can’t you tell you’re being a real downer right now?”

If your next flight is on a Dreamliner, I would maybe suggest finding another one on an Airbus. That, or simply swear yourself to ship travel for the time being.

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