D&Tea CEO Put on Blast for Asking a Client Out on a Date
Twitch streamer and content creator, PinkVaporGaming, took to Twitter to share a conversation she had with a co-founder of DandTeaCo; a Dungeons & Dragons-themed tea company, where he used his business contacts to ask her out on a date.
Published 1 year ago in Facepalm
Twitch streamer and content creator, PinkVaporGaming, took to Twitter to share a conversation she had with a co-founder of DandTeaCo; a Dungeons & Dragons-themed tea company, where he used his business contacts to ask her out on a date. “Being a woman in this industry is so difficult and frustrating,” she said in her post. “I can’t even be looked at seriously in a business meeting.” PinkVapor, whose real name is Noel, went on to share text messages showing the co-founder asking her on a date under the guise of a business dinner.
Noel was in Boston last weekend attending the Pax East convention, which is “A Celebration Of Video Games, Tabletop, & Game Culture!” While there, she was invited to learn more about D&Tea and was excited to work with a potential new partner before the exchange.
Being a Woman in this industry is so difficult and frustrating. I just got home from #PAXEast and was super excited to work with a company.
— PinkvaporgamingC2E2 (@PinkVaporGaming) March 28, 2023
Little to find out that I can’t even be looked at seriously in a business meeting.
Don’t ask your clients out on dates. Please. pic.twitter.com/TMVqEPRBcC
Im really glad I found out before because I would of been so uncomfortable if I actually went to find out it wasn't a business dinner.
— PinkvaporgamingC2E2 (@PinkVaporGaming) March 29, 2023
Although she refused to reveal the man’s identity, she did share the name of his company and his status, but only after other victims reached out to her. “At first I was nervous to tag them,” she said. “I am no longer nervous.” Those victims, along with some Twitter sleuths, were able to identify him as Travis Peacock. Apparently, he’s been using his business contacts to land dates for some time. His ex-wife even responded to the thread, saying “I am extremely hurt and disappointed but unfortunately not surprised.”
Update: The company was @DandTeaCo at first I was nervous to tag them but after multiple woman came to me with their story’s and I realized it was not the first time. On top of the poor apology.
— PinkvaporgamingC2E2 (@PinkVaporGaming) March 29, 2023
I am no longer nervous.
I had red flags from this person's email ngl. pic.twitter.com/Rt3MzvCdFa
— Caspar (@NefasQS) March 29, 2023
Travis responded to the incident by issuing an apology on the official D&Tea Twitter page, but many people were buying it. “You tried to hire me as a sensitivity consultant to help clear your reputation the first time around,” one person commented. “You fully admitted that you had a problem with harassing women and wanted to be better. THIS ISN’T BETTER.” Others pointed out the highly hypocritical nature of his bio and his company’s commitments.
Our motto is Be bold. Be honest. Do better. This weekend, I (Travis), failed at that and hope now to at least do the second one.
— D&Tea (@DandTeaCo) March 29, 2023
This weekend at PAX, a potential content creator partner reached out and wanted to have a meeting about collaborating. I had taken some parts of the…
Not to mention... pic.twitter.com/RRzeukeUSD
— Father Burlesque (@dbk2387) March 29, 2023
Fortunately, Noel stated that her Pax East trip was a success overall. But as she says, “It’s just a shame that someone I was excited to work with couldn't view me as a professional.”
Keeping my head up! I had a bunch of wonderful experiences this weekend at PAX and met wonderful people to work with too! Its just a shame that someone I was excited to work with couldn't view me as a professional.
— PinkvaporgamingC2E2 (@PinkVaporGaming) March 29, 2023