Are you white? Do you like walking barefoot in negative temperatures? Have you ever gotten pissed on by an alligator? Is choosing between slavery and shorts emblazoned with an elephant a struggle for you?
If so, congrats! You are a purveyor of white people s–t — a.k.a. WPS.
While videos detailing the specifics of WPS have been around for years, the term faced a resurgence of popularity this month, when a very white and very suburban couple decided to jettison reason, common sense, and the phenomenon of hypothermia to the wind, heading to TikTok to proclaim their latest endeavor — going barefoot in frigid temperatures.
“We are no longer going to wear shoes even when we’re outside!” mommy vlogger Christi Fritz began her now-viral clip uploaded over the weekend, one depicting her and her visibly peeved husband walking barefoot through a slushy, snowy parking lot.
“I think there are so many benefits of going barefoot outside and we wanted to take advantage of each and every one of these,” she continued, mustering just enough self-awareness to denote that there would likely “be people that think it’s kinda crazy and look weird at us.”
While it’s unclear whether Fritz encountered any of these reasonable critics, several appeared on TikTok, dubbing her endeavor as a prime example of WPS.
“Say it with me now, that’s some …” began @blkshepdigital, before emblazoning the WPS acronym across the screen.
“Please use this video as your daily reminder to wash and sanitize your hands,” @lunaoceaniaa said alongside the new-infamous clio.
While it’s unclear whether Fritz will heed these very rational words of warning, we can hope that someday she’ll learn her lesson — whether that comes by hookworms or a “no shoes, no shirt, no service” policy.