Crazy MMA Moments That Had Us Genuinely Concerned

It takes courage to get inside the ring.

By Peter Rapine

Published 1 year ago in Facepalm

It takes courage to get inside the ring.

It takes courage to get inside the ring. Especially inside a ring where kicking and elbows are allowed. And while we as spectators love a good knockout, there are times when even our thirst for pain can reach a critical mass. 

These are some of those times. Courtesy of 'Out of Context MMA' who posted the Twitter prompt, "Which MMA/boxing knockout had you genuinely concerned for the other person's life?" we've rounded up a few of the moments when MMA fights made us genuinely concerned for a fighter's well-being. 

@oocmma's tweet received 15 million views and thousands of comments showcasing videos of the worst of the worst MMA knockouts. So if you're squeamish, we suggest you bow out now, because what is to follow is not for the faint of heart. 

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