‘Dad’s New Driver’: Man Records His Neighbor’s Kid Smashing His Driver Over and Over Again

Playing golf can be expensive.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Funny

Playing golf can be expensive.

Playing golf can be expensive. According to Golf Span, a new driver is likely to run you in the neighborhood of around $500 — not to mention the added costs of other drivers, golf club memberships and all of the polo shirts you need to buy to fit in with your upper-middle-class brethren.

That’s why, once you buy a set of drivers, it’s a good idea to keep them away from anyone who may damage them. This dad did not do that.

In a scene straight out of some kind of children’s version of Caddyshack, a toddler can be seen bringing a driver to the street. The kid lifts the driver over his head — then smacks it into the asphalt with a “ding.”

The kid’s not done yet, though. After a few more strikes against the ground, the driver seems to still be in pretty good condition. This child is having none of that, so of course, he pushes the driver into the pavement, pressing his foot on the shaft to ensure the club is truly and wholly ruined.

Soon, the kid’s dad comes out, and the child loses interest, tucking it behind the wheel of his parents’ car. That’s right, kid — leave the driver, take the cannolis.

Naturally, some users in the comments were quick to suspect foul play from our dear Happy Gilmore Jr. “Mom sent him on a mission,” said a user. “I had my son do the same thing when I needed an excuse for a new one,” offered another.

The video cuts off a little too soon, so we don’t know what happened to the child. Still, I think he’s got “golf superstar” written all over him. After all, he’s really just participating in a time-honored tradition of the sport.

Get that kid off the streets and onto the greens!

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