Fans Compare Disney's Star Wars Hotel to a Maximum Security Prison
Last March, Disney Parks opened up the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser, a two-day overnight experience that costs up to six-thousand bucks.
Published 2 years ago in Facepalm
Disney Plus’ Star Wars series 'Andor' is a surprise hit, garnering reviews better than 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' or even 'The Mandalorian'. Critics have praised the choice to show the Empire villains not as masked Force-users, but as by-the-books, terrifyingly organized fascists. It’s weird that Disney is so willing to show the horrors of concrete, windowless space prisons because - as Twitter pointed out - that also describes their most expensive hotel.
I find it very funny that the $5000 Star Wars hotel looks way more reminiscent of the dystopian prison in Andor than anything else in Star Wars
— Nick Horowitz (@ztiworoh) November 2, 2022
Keep seeing footage from that new star wars star cruiser hotel and as much as I love star wars I keep feeling it very much has a windowless prison feel to it, especially the rooms
— Rose Schmits, Trans Kiln Witch™ (@RoseSchmits) February 26, 2022
Last March, Disney Parks opened up the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser, a two-day overnight experience that costs up to six-thousand bucks. The venue features narrow concrete hallways, tiny hole-in-wall bunk beds, and little meals served in trays that are a little nicer than real maximum security prisons. “It’s a $5000 self-inflicted LARP prison where you are forced to participate in shit you have no interest in.” tweeted @edgewalker81.
Am I crazy or does this all look like rethemed corrections industry architecture and design... Can you spot the difference?
— Peet Da Totally Goof (Verifried) (@GumShoeGoof) February 25, 2022
the starcruiser hotel looks like a maximum security prison for star wars fans and frankly it should be
— #1 Andor fan (not being ironic, stop asking) (@fellawhomstdve) June 9, 2022
The immersive experience apparently consists of armed stormtroopers and Imperial officers marching aboard the ship, then barking out orders and commands for fear of a Resistance uprising. It’s a dream come true - for people who dream of living as servants of a brutal dictator.
Because it’s not a Star Wars themed hotel you stay at and then leave occasionally to go to the park. It’s a $5000 self-inflicted LARP prison where you are forced to participate in shit you have no interest in.
— Anthony (@edgewalker81) June 9, 2022
The Starcruiser website boasts that it’s a vacation “where you are the hero!” A hero like Ghandi or Batman! But only during the times when they were, you know… prisoners. Book your trip today!