Despite what some men think, women fart. They fart, they poop, they pee, and sometimes they even shart. It’s not pretty, but it’s the truth. And just like with men, sometimes those bodily functions take place at the most inopportune times; just ask Kathiana.

In a video shared to TikTok, she smiles at the camera while enjoying a mud bath in Colombia. As she’s smiling, a huge bubble bursts behind her as she unknowingly lets one rip, shocking herself with the power of her own fart. In the accompanying caption, she wrote, “Those arepas like to sneak up on you, y’all be safe”.

Fortunately for Kathiana, she isn’t the only person this has happened to. Another video, shared by travel TikToker Ella Marie back in May, shows a girl farting in the same mud bath as a woman massages Ella with mud.

Some commenters wondered if the fact that the bubbles seem so powerful is proof they’re not from farts, but are just instances of the mud in the volcano bubbling up. The volcano, called El Totumo Mud Volcano and located near Cartagena, is active, and the sheer size of the bubbles and the fact that similar bubbles can be seen in most videos taken at the mud baths does make me think that they are, unfortunately, not farts.

The only way to confirm this would be for someone to take one for the team, visit the mud baths and deliberately fart while enjoying their bath, recording the results for posterity so that we can get to the bottom (pun unavoidable) of this question once and for all.