Donald Trump Just Tweeted a Nickelback Meme Because This Is Hell

Proof that we are, in fact, living in the dumbest timeline.

By damn_nation_inc

Published 5 years ago in Facepalm

Proof that we are, in fact, living in the dumbest timeline.

altered video meme of Nickelback's 'Photograph' video posted by Trump

You wouldn't think a day on which it was reported that the President once allegedly toyed with the idea of an alligator-filled moat at the border would get any weirder. Well, we live in the dumbest timeline, so think again... because Donald Trump just dragged Nickelback into things. 

Trump spent much of the today in frustration, answering questions about the aforementioned border moat, as well as his ongoing impeachment investigations - which seem to see a new bombshell development on a daily basis. 

In an attempt to once again shift focus on potential wrongdoing by Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in business dealings with Ukraine, Trump posted a video meme of Nickelback's song "Photograph," where the photo in the frame has been replaced with one of Joe and Hunter Biden golfing with a Ukrainian gas executive.

Of course, Twitter was instantly on fire with reactions:

 John Durant @johndurant · 21m > Trump tweets Nickelback meme > Nickelback attacks Trump > Left forced to rally behind Nickelback 2019: the year the Left traded away Dave Chappelle and picked up Nickelback.

Rogue Phil Mudd @RoguePhilMudd · 25m Man, if I had a nickelback for everytime the president made an ass out of himself, I'd be a rich man

Grant Stern @grantstern · 5m Tweeting Nickelback songs is *probably* an impeachable offense. #TrumpMeltdown

Nick Young @nickyoungmusic · 14m This is the last straw! #TrumpImpeachment #Nickelback

Spooky Nick @animallover360 · 31m *Sees #Nickelback is trending* Huh? that's strange, I really hope its not some kind of reunion, that would suck. *Sees that it's because of an actual Tweet by Trump* Me: