Dude Shows Off His Kidney Stone Collection to Collective Disgust

This has to be the most painful collection in the history of the world.

By Braden Bjella

Published 11 months ago in Facepalm

This has to be the most painful collection in the history of the world. 

According to the National Kidney Foundation, kidney stones are caused by “drinking too little water, exercise (too much or too little), obesity, weight loss surgery or eating food with too much salt or sugar.”

That said, some people are more prone to developing them. Let’s just hope that’s what’s happening with Reddit user lordhumungus2 — otherwise, there’s something seriously, seriously wrong with him.

Recently, lordhumungus2 took to Reddit to share his collection of all the kidney stones he’s passed over the past six years. It’s… a lot.

To hear lordhumungus2 tell it, these stones happen when he eats “too much dairy products” (I would simply stop eating dairy, dude). He also states that passing a stone “hurts like hell when they are in the [urethra], but usually I don’t take any pain medication just drink a lot of water.”

Needless to say, commenters on both threads were disgusted. “It's ok to drink water sometimes just saying,” wrote a commenter. “OP's blood is 50% Dr Pepper,” joked another. “WHY ARE YOU COLLECTING THEM?!” exclaimed a third.

We never learned why he is deciding to keep all these stones. My idea is that he’s about to make some of the most horrifying jewelry imaginable

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