Trucker Texting While Driving 18-Wheeler Learns Why You Don’t Do That
You should never text and drive, but especially not when driving something that big!
Published 1 month ago in Ouch
You should never text and drive, but especially not when driving something that big!
You should never text and drive, but especially not when driving something that big!
We frequently think of texting while driving as a particularly stupid behavior only deployed by young people. If only that were the case.
Instead, folks of all ages text while driving, including those who are really, really bad at it. For example, people who are my parents’ age can’t figure out how to attach a photo to a text message, but they have no moral qualms about figuring out how to do that behind the wheel of their Volvos.
In this case, a dude was driving a massive truck and firing off a few text messages. As his eyes were on his phone and not on the road, he plowed through a lane of cars, destroying several of them while somehow not killing anyone in the process.
to text while driving an 18 wheeler
byu/DblockDavid intherewasanattempt