On the bright side, I guess the work on the car is done!

It really feels like knowledge of cars is fading away. While most people’s dads’ can perform some basic car repairs, now, it seems like most people rely on auto shops to fix every little problem with their car. In fact, there’s some data to back this up — proving that, occasionally, I’m not just talking out of my ass.

In some ways, this makes sense. Cars today are much more complex than they were a few decades ago. Also, if someone goes wrong in your car, do you really want to be the one at fault? Or do you want to blame the underpaid teenager working at your local Valvoline?

Plus, when things go wrong on a car, they can really, really go wrong, as this video of a man trying to fix his car shows.

Truck Catches on Fire in Garage
byu/Zimquats inCrazyFuckingVideos