We’ve all had a bad night or two. “Sure, I’ll get drinks with the boys,” you say, “but I’ll only have one or two.” Cut to a few hours later, and you’re face down in a ditch covered in what you hope is a spilled beer but know in your heart is vomit. Good times!

But no matter how bad you felt on your worst “morning after,” it probably doesn’t come close to matching the confusion this man felt after waking up in a soccer stadium hours after the match had ended.

According to News.come.au, this England soccer fan decided to go see his nation’s opening match against Serbia in the Euro 2024 events. He promptly fell asleep — leading to him waking up in the stadium wondering what the hell just happened.

Some people are doubting this man’s claim, saying that he would have been noticed by security at some point, or that the UEFA would have commented on it by now. To those people I say, stop ruining our fun. And to this man I say, get home safe — and try to throw a Red Bull into your drinking mix to prevent it from happening again.