As you get older, you realize that unless you’re incredibly lucky, a ridiculous amount of your time is going to be devoted to navigating disagreements with your neighbors. One woman has gone viral on TikTok for her method of handling one such disagreement, although users are split on whether she did the right thing or not.

The video describes a neighbor who has harassed OP’s family for three years over the issue of her sons fishing in a river that flows behind their homes. The captions state, “She doesn’t want our boys to fish. She has called the police because my 13-year-old’s fishing line went into what she thinks is ‘her’ water. She tried to press charges on my 13-year-old for using his kayak by saying it was criminal trespassing. She put a fence in the river to prevent our family from launching our boats and to stop them from fishing.”

OP was “tired of the harassment” and just wanted her children to be able to enjoy the river and be kids, so she resorted to a fairly dramatic solution: calling in bulldozers to build a boat launch that allows them to bypass the neighbor’s fence.

In an update video, OP explained that the neighbor has called the HOA as well as “almost every department at the parish — code enforcement, engineering, planning and development,” along with the Army Corps of Engineers. The neighbor is now claiming that OP is devaluing her property and stole her trees and dirt. Despite these complaints, OP has not been fined or penalized, and the neighbor has been informed that OP isn’t violating anything because she had the proper permits.

The neighbor has also allegedly cried because she feels OP “went about this the wrong way,” but OP said that she’s actually upset because she’s running out of ways to harass their family.

Commenters were split on OP’s solution to the problem. On the one hand, many people congratulated her for calling her neighbor’s bluff, with one popular comment reading, “You at the poker table with your neighbor: I’ll see your water fence and raise you a boat launch! Bravo!!” But others wondered if this wasn’t exactly what the neighbor wanted — for them to launch their boat from their own land rather than hers. Given the neighbor’s hysterical response to the move, it would appear not even she is clear about what she wants.

From a bigger picture perspective, another commenter questions if all of this was good for the ecosystem — hopefully, given OP allegedly had the proper permits, someone in charge of approving said permits took that issue into consideration, but the footage of trees being knocked down is a bummer nonetheless.

For those who love mess, OP has been documenting her beef with her neighbor since the summer on her TikTok, and it includes lawsuits, restraining orders and countless police reports. All of which gives new meaning to neighborhood watch.