Going to Blockbuster, playing with Pogs and dialing up to the internet were all activities that never really made it out of the ‘90s. But luckily, the ultimate American pastime of flashing truckers on the highway has traveled with us all the way to 2025.
You don’t have to drive a semi to find out about it, either. On the subreddit r/Truckers, truck drivers and fans alike have congregated to both inquire and exchange anecdotes about their flashing experiences.
“Got flashed for the first time,” reads the title of a thread posted by Redditor BigRubio roughly eight months ago. “I was in Cincinnati traffic today when a group of young women pulled up next to me in a white Lexus. [...] I had my window down, and I heard ‘hey,’ [so] I [looked] over and the gal in the front passenger flashed me and they all were whooping and hollering and laughing. I gave the horn a toot and gave them a thumbs up. Made my day!”
Got flashed for the first time
byu/BigRubio inTruckers
And it’s not just women doing — or receiving — the flashing. “[I] have seen guys [flashing] a dozen times, [and] women passengers once or twice,” says a truck driver who claims he’s been in the industry for 12 years in another thread. “In 17 years of driving I’ve got boobies 2x,” adds another user. A third one settles the argument: “I get flashed by more dudes than girls,” they write. “The dudes strip down and turn every interior light on inside their vehicle and drive around at nighttime passing trucks and beating their meat.”
byu/StunningPass5040 inTruckers
Female flashers, however, swear they’re doing their part. “I still enjoy riding naked and flashing my boobs whenever my husband and I go on long road trips alone by ourselves,” reads one comment. (Some of them, though, are a little more coy about it: “I flash, but I’m not sure if guys are looking.”)
But catching a quick flash of tits or dick may be easier in some parts of the country than others. “Been flashed many times, mostly in Southern California; [a] few times here in Oregon, once in Washington,” offers one commenter. “For some reason I have only seen that in Florida,” another chimes in.
How often do you get flashed?
byu/CuriousJordPodcast inTruckers
One woman even went as far as trying to lay out the groundwork for flashing etiquette. Her husband, she wrote, would be very pleased if she flashed truckers, but how do you know if the trucker wants to be flashed? Should explicit consent rules be applied?
byu/suziebuzzsaws inTruckers
“Simply act like you’ll flash them and if they want you to flash I’m sure their reaction will show it,” suggests one user.
Another trucker chooses to speak for the group when they say: just go for it. “As a duly appointed representative of the entire trucking community I hereby give consent on behalf of all of my brothers and a sizable portion of my sisters.”
The only thing to worry about then? If your shirt is up to your neck, just make sure your eyes are still on the road.