We all know that boats are more dangerous than they seem. From getting sucked into the propeller and losing a limb to throwing back too many cold ones and trying to high dive, there’s a lot that can go wrong once you hit the high seas.
That said, there’s still plenty that can go wrong even while your boat is docked, as this video shows.
In it, an 80-year-old woman is getting ready to board a boat in Croatia. While things go fine for a minute, she soon encounters the greatest foe known to the elderly — a big step. She promptly misjudges the step and goes tumbling into the abyss, a move that causes everyone around her to freak out.
According to The Tab, everything was alright after the video ended, though granny was a bit shaken. “She was ok! It was her 80th birthday so we were making a big deal of her being first on the boat,” noted the original TikToker in an update. “The trip went smoothly once Grammy had her martini and her hair dry. She HATES water so it was very unlikely that she’d be the first in the water.”
At least it made the vacation memorable!