As anyone who has ever stayed in a hotel knows, checkout times are more than just a friendly suggestion, a fact that cost one entitled patron “hundreds of dollars worth of clothes” that she had “left” behind in her room.

Last week, lifestyle influencer @triono.b took to TikTok to provide a glimpse of her showdown with the manager of a Comfort Suites in Charlotte, North Carolina; the pair verbally duking it out after hotel staffers apparently pitched several bygone clothing items that remained in her room after checkout. “You’re telling me that you threw my clothes away, yes or no?” she snapped at the manager, who was visibly over her bullshit.

Despite @triono.b’s claims that another staff member at the hotel had told her that her clothes would be waiting for her upon her return seemingly several days after her stay had ended  — “Your employee told me on the phone yesterday, ‘I assure you we’ll keep your clothes until you come,’” she recalled — it appears this was news to two hotel higher-ups.

“I didn’t know!” the manager fired back, a message echoed by a member of the Comfort Suites’ housekeeping team.

“We didn’t know!” she yelled. “None of us knew!”

Even with the woman’s yelling, the housekeeper had policy on her side, reassuring the angry customer that holding onto personal items isn’t a part of their business model “We’re not supposed to keep it that long!” she exclaimed.

Honestly, if @triono.b cared so much about her clothes, she should have made sure they were safely stowed in her suitcase the moment that clock struck 11 — a.m.