Yesterday was the New York City Marathon and countless New Yorkers took to the streets to work off a year's worth of one-dollar pizza and overpriced bagels. The marathon runs straight through South Williamsburg, home to the largest Hasidic community in the world, and they became the highlight. Years of marathon training can’t compare to the grace of Hasid’s skillfully dodging the runners, like Frogger with a holy mission. 

There were other great moments of the run as well. A dude with a pineapple on his head, and countless pups cheering on humans, but the Hasids won the day. Their moves are being dubbed in the comments as “The Hasidic Hustle” by @DJV or “The Shalom Sprint” by Daniel Sterns. @haremcdonald summed up their vibes, “they have the same run as those nervous kids that would run to and from class between periods.”

The vid is soundtracked with upbeat club music, keeping that New York hustle vibe that the immaculately-dressed Jewish community embodies so well. “This is perfection,” commented famous TikToker @lizplank.