How to Summon Aliens and Kill Them, According to 4chan
According to United States Air Force veteran David Grusch, the United States military is in possession of extraterrestrial craft, complete with dead pilots of non-human origin.
Published 1 year ago
According to United States Air Force veteran David Grusch, the United States military is in possession of extraterrestrial craft, complete with dead pilots of non-human origin.
According to United States Air Force veteran David Grusch, the United States military is in possession of extraterrestrial craft, complete with dead pilots of non-human origin.
With that information in mind, some people are preparing themselves for the potential consequences; like this 4chan user desperate for information on how to kill them. Except, he’s not even worried about the upcoming apocalypse. Instead, as he put it, “Nothing will quench my thirst for alien blood.”
“What’s the best way to summon aliens and kill them?” he asked. “I have a deep hatred for aliens. I think they’re evil, ugly, demonic and enemies of humanity and I want to kill one of them to take my anger out on them.”
His question was quickly answered both seriously and ironically, with suggestions ranging from paranormal to religious. One user shared a screenshot from a three-year-old YouTube video listing a multi-step process.
Others cautioned him against even trying. “It isn't a good idea to do this to something thousands of years more advanced than us,” one warned. “The few whistleblower stories I've heard of extraterrestrials using weaponry were always orders of magnitude more powerful than our capabilities.”
Here are some other quotes from users offering suggestions, or words of encouragement:
“They're demons, motard, you can just pray and use Christ's name to mess em up and bless your machete or something.”
“Allegedly CE-5 summons them, but for that you have to telepathically broadcast love and light. Your deep hatred would probably get in the way of that.”
“I had a dream I killed one and BBQ'd it and it tasted like a turkey leg, the next night I had a dream a swarm of them were hunting me. Pretty kino.”
“Don't be afraid of them. If you capitulate to them without first testing their limits, how could you ever know whether they're invincible or not? A lot of armies look tough on paper.”
Well, there you have it. Draw a pentagon, light a candle, pray to Christ, and have confidence in yourself. With those critical tips from 4chan, surely we have what it takes to kill the extraterrestrials when they come, which according to one user will be on September 3rd, 2024. Let’s just hope they don’t have the same lust for blood that we do.