China Using New 'Anal Swab' Method for Coronavirus Testing
Published 4 years ago in Funny
As the world continues to battle the Coronavirus Pandemic, scientists and doctors in China have started using a new testing method for those in high-risk groups.
Due to several localized outbreaks in recent weeks, multiple cities in northern China are being sealed off from the rest of the country and initiating mass testing campaigns, most of which are been conducted using throat and nose swabs.
Data from the WHO on Coronavirus statistics
However, that's not the only form of testing they're currently using... If you thought the swab up the nose test was bad, China is now also using anal swabs to detect the virus in certain people.
A senior doctor from Beijing’s Youan hospital named Li Tongzen was quoted during an interview saying
"The anal swabs method “can increase the detection rate of infected people” as traces of the virus linger longer in the anus than in the respiratory tract"
Health officials said that the anal swabs would not be used as widely as other methods, as the technique was “not convenient” as the nasal swab and I'm guessing much less enjoyable for both parties involved. That is unless you were like testing the women's Olympic team or something...
"drop your pants, bend over, and back that thing up to the window, Sir"
While cases continue to rise around the world, China has imposed strict requirements in an effort to keep domestic transmission as close to zero as possible.
Beijing's Youan Hospital
Beijing announced that people from medium- or high-risk areas will be denied entry to the city to reduce the risk of transmission over the lunar new year period.
Those traveling into the country must provide multiple negative test results and quarantine for at least 14 days in a designated hotel, with many cities and regions imposing additional home observation requirements.