‘Injured while searching for dead bodies at Lake Mead?’: Then We Have the Lawyer for You

There are a million attorneys out there in the world — all of them good people, I’m sure.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Funny

There are a million attorneys out there in the world — all of them good people, I’m sure.

There are a million attorneys out there in the world — all of them good people, I’m sure.

Given this breadth of lawyers, it makes sense that each one would need to find a way to make themselves stand out. For example, you might make a really bad commercial. You might place an ad in a fun location. Or you might cater to a hyper-specific group, such as “people who got injured while searching for dead bodies at Lake Mead.”

First, some much-needed context: People keep finding dead bodies at Lake Mead. That’s it, that’s the context.

But what is this billboard? According to KLAS, “the billboard is an advertisement for Parke Injury Law Firm put up by Steven Parke, who said it is meant to be a joke, catch people’s eyes and stand out among dozens of other lawyer billboards seen around the Las Vegas valley.”

“The world as it is right now is depressing,” Parke explained to KLAS. “We get bad news every day, so why not throw something up that’s going to make people either chuckle, let them think about something, or what I thought would happen is no one would even bother to read it, but I guess I was wrong. People do read billboards.”

This isn’t Parke’s first attempt at an interesting billboard, but it’s certainly his best. Other attempts include the famous Mike Tyson quote “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face”; a line from Vanilla Ice (“If you have a problem, yo, I’ll solve it”); and a request that people call Congress to demand that MTV start playing music again.

This man doesn’t know what he’s talking about. A true modern-day MTV watcher would instead demand to know how the hell they manage to produce so many episodes of Ridiculousness. Did you know they have over 250 episodes this year alone? Crazy.

Anyway, Redditors were quick to make jokes about the billboard. “Injured while [dropping] off dead bodies at lake Mead? Keep your damn mouth shut,” wrote a commenter. “These targeted ads are getting ridiculous,” said another. “Yeah stop searching before you get injured! I spent a lot of time putting them there!” offered a third.

So if you’re looking for bodies in Lake Mead and get injured, you now know who to call. Also, get a better hobby.

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