Italian Prime Minister Dumps Boyfriend After He Publicly Asks His Co-Host for a ‘Threesome or Foursome’
Italy — a land of culture, pasta, and people who really like banging.
Published 1 year ago in Funny
Italy — a land of culture, pasta, and people who really like banging.
Italy — a land of culture, pasta, and people who really like banging. While the French may hold the title of highest sexual weirdos per capita, Italy has got to be a close second. Whether it’s Italian tourists being deported for having sex in public or former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s famed Bunga Bunga parties, the ol’ Boot is notorious for housing some of the world’s most sexually creative and depraved.
This may explain why Andrea Giambruno, partner of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, thought it would be okay to pull the “me and my friend saw you from across the bar and we really dig your vibe” routine with one of his co-workers.
Il lupo alla fine era lui #giambruno
— Sophia✨ (@Sophia__227) October 19, 2023
For context, Giambruno was a newscaster in Italy. During a commercial break, Giambruno began walking around the studio and asking co-workers some pretty suggestive and creepy questions. In a video of the incident, the newscaster can be heard “asking a female co-host if she has a boyfriend, which she says she does and that he had asked her earlier,” per CNN.
“Then he asks if she wants to have group sex, asking her if he minded if he touched his genital area, which he did, while talking to her, according to the video published by the program,” reports CNN. The “group sex” in question was apparently a proposal to have a “threesome or foursome.” The co-worker, needless to say, wasn’t interested.
Unsurprisingly, the “family-first” prime minister wasn’t too thrilled about being pulled into a potential workplace gangbang. She promptly dumped Giambruno, writing in a social media post that “my relationship with Andrea Giambruno, which lasted almost ten years, ends here.” Giambruno also lost his show — talk about a bad day at the office!
Beyond that, it seems that both Meloni and Giambruno are going to be largely unaffected by this. Meloni will continue to run her party, and Giambruno will probably just go back to the time-honored Italian tradition of wearing too-tight T-shirts and dancing aggressively next to women at the bar.
Maybe he’ll even get a group grope in after all.