'It's a Prank Bro': Guys Try to Get Out of Robbery by Saying They Were Just Kidding

Some people just can’t take a joke.

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 year ago in Funny

Some people just can’t take a joke.

Some people just can’t take a joke.

Last month, a man was walking through the field of a local high school in the Toronto area when a group of around five people started shouting at him. Eventually, this group caught up with the man and allegedly pointed a gun at him. Unsure of what to do, the man handed his phone over to the group, which quickly fled the scene.

However, a short time later, two members of the group came back with his phone and an announcement — they were just havin’ a laugh!

That’s right, fair Torontonian. While you may have *thought* that you were the victim of an armed robbery, you were actually just a player in a very high-stakes version of Punk’d. Joke’s on you!

Unsurprisingly, it seems that the Borat “not” routine isn’t exactly holding up as a legal defense for these miscreants. Police say that the group was unknown to the man and that the “joking” scenario is unlikely at best, so if they get caught, they’re going to be looking at a punishment that’ll be nothing to laugh at.

On that topic, Toronto Police are currently searching for two of the suspects in relation to the robbery. If you’re in the Toronto area, you might get a $2,000 cash reward if you find them. So be on the lookout for anyone with a loaded gun and a great sense of humor!

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