Mexican Vendors Try Indian Street Food, Immediately End Up in the Hospital

India has some of the world’s tastiest street food.

By Braden Bjella

Published 8 months ago in Funny

India has some of the world’s tastiest street food. 

India has some of the world’s tastiest street food. The world’s cleanest? Absolutely not. If you visit India, be prepared to have someone serve you a samosa fried in ancient oil, or some naan that’s been prepared on the literal pavement. That said, it is really, really tasty, and foreigners visiting the country are frequently struck with a difficult dilemma: should I risk food poisoning so I can experience this culture to its fullest? Now, some Mexican food vendors did just that, and it ended about how you’d expect.

Mexican food vendors traveled down to India to eat Indian street food on a dare. It didn’t end well.
byu/mollllyxx inUnusualVideos

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