Nebraska Cops Pull Over Man With A Full-Sized Bull Riding Shotgun

One Nebraska man was caught committing one heck of a moooo-ving violation on Wednesday morning after authorities discovered a full-grown bull riding shotgun in his Ford.

By Carly Tennes

Published 1 year ago in Funny

One Nebraska man was caught committing one heck of a moooo-ving violation on Wednesday morning after authorities discovered a full-grown bull riding shotgun in his Ford.

One Nebraska man was caught committing one heck of a moooo-ving violation on Wednesday morning after authorities discovered a full-grown bull riding shotgun in his Ford.

Though at first, responders from the Norfolk Police Department thought the animal in question was much smaller — “they thought that it was going to be, you know, like a calf, something smaller, something that actually fit inside the vehicle,"  said Capt. Chad Reiman — they were surprised to discover the bovine passenger was a massive bull named Howdy Doody.

In order to accommodate the bull as he headed to various parades and fairs, the driver appeared to slice the front windshield of his car, which appeared to be an old police car, in half, allowing the 1,100 to 2,200-pound animal to ride shotgun.

He was let off with a warning … and possibly a blue ribbon.

So take it from this unnamed driver — save a bull, drive a bull-friendly retrofitted police car.

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