Something about having a house turns a certain kind of person into an absolute tyrant. While these people may be okay taking all kinds of disrespect at work or on the street, once they cross the transom of their dojo, they become a dictator set on trampling all those who dare ruin their tranquility.

One such instance of homeowner tyranny recently went viral after being shared by the rapper Casey Cope.

Let me set the stage for you: Cope is doing a backyard gig for Sofar Sounds, a group that organizes performances in small venues across the country. The show has gone well so far, but something about Cope’s chilled-out groove appeared to irk a neighbor.

“What the fuck is going on, man?” the neighbor asks. “Oh, I’m just rapping,” Cope responds. There’s a bit of back-and-forth before the neighbor reveals the true issue: “I’m trying to enjoy, like, the peace and quiet in my own domicile.” Gasp! Domicile peace and quiet violated! Someone call in the Navy!

Eventually, the event organizer and owner of the house approached the neighbor and calmed her down, and according to Cope, the gig proceeded as planned.

In the comments section of the video, some users expressed sympathy with the neighbor, but for every mark in the neighbor’s favor, Cope had an answer. Maybe she wasn’t informed of the gig? “They notified & invited neighbors days before,” explained Cope in a comment. Maybe it was late in the evening and the person needed to sleep? Nope — it was “like 8:15,” per Cope.

It truly seems like the woman was upset because the sanctity of her precious domicile had been violated, though the group was able to clear up the issue pretty quickly. “The comment section making it a way bigger deal than anyone that was actually there,” Cope summarized.

So if you find yourself next to a backyard show, just be chill. And if there is a problem, you don’t need to get fancy with it. Just tell the people to get bent — no SAT vocab needed.