New Documentary Claims That Telepathy is Real, and They Have Evidence

It’s pretty freaky.

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 weeks ago in Creepy

It’s pretty freaky.

It’s pretty freaky.

Whenever you see a psychic on the internet, there’s a near-certain chance that they’re a charlatan. Telepathy and supernatural powers just haven’t been proven scientifically, and as a result, it’s correct to approach anyone who claims to have such a connection with skepticism.

But what if it *could* be proven scientifically? Well, according to this new documentary, it can.

Earlier this month, a podcast series came out called the “Telepathy Tapes,” which claims to document research into the very real ability of some humans to have powers beyond our understanding. While they’re still crowdfunding the whole documentary, they’ve released a few clips with some of their alleged evidence.

Here’s what it looks like: 


The Telepathy Tapes: a new documentary that shows 'Psionic' abilities are scientifically real. They have discovered non-verbal autistic children are universally telepathic with 90% accuracy when tested.
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