Sometimes a great price just isn’t enough to convince a potential customer. Here is a list of bizarre deal extra’s intended to give you the necessary incentive to buy.

Giant Cocktail Throws in a Porn Star to Drink It With

For just $400, London’s Absurd Bird chicken shop offers an enormous cocktail to drink with a porn star with enormous... talent. The deal, dubbed the ‘Orgy Martini Experience,’ comprises “the UK’s biggest porn star martini” – which is a cocktail large enough for four people to share – and the chance to be joined by a real-life porn star. The bar kept two porn stars, Barbie and Drew, on deck while running the special.

Free Circumcision with Breast Enhancement

The Cosmetics Treatment Center in the Philippines once ran a special that gave away a free circumcision when you bought a breast enhancement procedure. I implore you to brainstorm the scenarios where this was just the deal someone was looking for. Maybe something for one of MTV's Teen Mom stars?

Discounted Prenup Service with Free Divorce Consultation once ran an offer that featured $200 off a prenuptial agreement by a licensed attorney, and to sweeten the deal, a free consultation with a divorce attorney after the deal goes sour.

Chinese Restaurant Offers Discount Based on Breast Size

A restaurant in Hangzhou offered discounts on meals to women proportional to the size of their breasts. A G bra size could get a massive 65 percent discount. The added perk here for male patrons is the view of the clientele.

Free Hug from Your Cashier

A grocer offered coupons that gave customers a free hug with a purchase of $30 or more. I suppose the hot cashier had the longer line, while the hairy, old dude kept calling out, "I can get whoever is next," to no response.