People Are Worried That Paris Hilton’s Baby Is Reading Their Thoughts

I feel bad for Paris Hilton’s baby.

By cathybara

Published 1 year ago in Funny

I feel bad for Paris Hilton’s baby.

I feel bad for Paris Hilton’s baby. Sure, little Phoenix Barron will grow up to be richer than I could ever imagine, but he also has to grow up with Paris Hilton as a mom, and I’m not sure I would wish that on even my worst enemy. Not only that, but he’s only nine months old and already getting completely rinsed on Twitter for having a slightly sizable noggin.

In a now-viral tweet, Dave McNamee posted a photo of Hilton holding her son and added, “Paris Hilton’s baby for sure has telekinesis.” In the photo, Phoenix is sitting on Hilton’s lap, and he does, indeed, have a noticeably large head.

McNamee continued the thread, writing, “He won’t take his first steps, he’ll just levitate,” following that up with two more tweets about Phoenix bending silverware and comparing him to Professor X.

The baby got his revenge, however: McNamee then tweeted, “I shouldn’t have made fun of her baby. All of the lights in my house keep flickering and the cabinets are opening and shutting,” and “Woke up with a nosebleed and a vision of how I’m going to die.”

That’s what you get when you cross Phoenix Barron Hilton Reum.

Several people agreed that the baby probably has hydrocephalus, which is an abnormal buildup of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain, or maybe just macrocephaly, which basically just means you have a large head. One commenter who suggested hydrocephalus has the condition themselves, and wondered why people were so quick to make fun of a baby who might have a brain condition. The simple answer to that is that people on the internet can be assholes.

Hopefully, it’s nothing serious and Phoenix just has a slightly larger than average head — not just for him but for the safety of the rest of the world, too. The last thing we need is an evil genius nepo baby with telekinetic powers running around.

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