Pilot Expertly Lands Plane During Massive Windstorm

Skills like these are indistinguishable from magic.

By Braden Bjella

Published 3 months ago in Ftw

Skills like these are indistinguishable from magic.

Skills like these are indistinguishable from magic.

Landing a plane already seems hard enough, but landing a plane in a storm? Where nature is actively fighting against you? Forget about it!

Given that, this guy is a goddamn wizard. While making an approach on a runway, his plane encountered some strong winds — and yet, somehow, he managed to level the plane and make a smooth landing.

With skills like that, he could definitely do better than Ryanair!

Impressive skills from this Ryanair pilot landing at Manchester Airport during the storm yesterday
byu/dannybluey innextfuckinglevel

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