Shakira’s Cheating Ex May Be Forced to Wear Her Name on His Jersey

It was reported back in June of this year that pop sensation Shakira had caught long-time husband and soccer player Gerard Pique cheating.

By zachnading

Published 2 years ago in Funny

It was reported back in June of this year that pop sensation Shakira had caught long-time husband and soccer player Gerard Pique cheating.

It was reported back in June of this year that pop sensation Shakira had caught long-time husband and soccer player Gerard Pique cheating. Celebrity break-ups tend to be very public and humiliating for those involved, and this was no different. However, it looks as though Shakira may get the last laugh after the 12 year relationship.

It's well known that Pique cheated with multiple women, including but not limited to model, Bar Refaeli.

But in a cosmic twist of fate, according to Tribuna a contract is close to being signed between streaming titan Spotify and FC Barcelona, the team which Pique plays for. The contract would require the team to wear Shakira branded jerseys for a game, and isn't that just some sweet, sweet karma coming Pique's way.

How likely is it that the contract gets signed? The team has already donned jerseys with rap artist Drake's OVO owl logo on the front. A sign that FC Barcelona has a healthy working relationship with Spotify.

We'll keep you updated, but we can guarantee the memes will be flowing like the the salmon of Capistrano if and when this contract gets signed.

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Woman Unleashes 10,000 Bees to Fight Off Police Serving Her Eviction

Rory Susan Woods, 55, is facing charges for an attempt to dispel Hampden County Sheriff’s Deputies evicting her from a residence in Longmeadow, MA with the force of thousands upon thousands of angry bees.

By GiorgioMarauder

Published 2 years ago in Facepalm

Rory Susan Woods, 55, is facing charges for an attempt to dispel Hampden County Sheriff’s Deputies evicting her from a residence in Longmeadow, MA with the force of thousands upon thousands of angry bees.

Rory Susan Woods, 55, is facing charges for an attempt to dispel Hampden County Sheriff’s Deputies evicting her from a residence in Longmeadow, MA with the force of thousands upon thousands of angry bees.

According to reports, on October 12th Woods drove by the scene of her eviction, dragging behind her a trailer of bees. She went on to commit what may be the first-ever recorded drive-by bee-ing.

The incident began with Woods shaking the hives to stir up a frenzy and cause the bees to swarm while one of the sheriff's deputies tried to stop her.

But it didn’t end there…

Woods then donned a badass beekeeping suit, pissed off the little buggers by smashing their home and flipping it off the flatbed, and carried the hives to the front door, dead set on creating chaos for the cops.

Tactical bees deployed.

Deputies and neighbors alike felt the wrath of the weaponized bees, with one cop even landing in the hospital due to an allergy. “Oh, you’re allergic? Good,” the vengeful beekeeper had reportedly said.

Woods was arrested on-scene. According to, she was charged with four counts of assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon, three counts of assault by means of a dangerous weapon, and disorderly conduct. She pleaded not guilty and was released without bail. 

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