world's largest pizza - pizza hut

Like food influencer dandyeats captioned her trip to Pizza Hut’s “World’s Largest Pizza,” “No one Outpizzas The Hut!”

Except, just like with Pizza Hut’s normal-size pies, this one left quite a bit to be desired.

“Followed by the world’s largest diarrhea outbreak,” @r3ignG0d joked on Twitter.

The massive pepperoni pie was made in partnership with YouTuber Airrack, something he claimed he ”spent the past 18 years scheming.” Yet, given that it was made with separate chunks of dough pushed together, it hardly seemed like one continuous pizza. And with sauce literally mopped on top of a warehouse floor oven, most people found it wholly unappetizing.

“Mmmmmm… unevenly cooked pizza with a hefty helping of human DNA… said nobody,” @momtalksstock remarked.

Baked by portable heaters on a trolley, the 14,000-square-foot, 30,000-pound pizza was then handed out to unhoused people in the Los Angeles area. Hey, at least it went to a good cause.

And true to their word, no one does outpizza The Hut.