Modern dating is hard. Technology is making it easier than ever to meet new people, and it can be difficult to know who to trust. That’s why people put together comprehensive lists of red flags to look out for early on in relationships. From weird penises to mispronouncing Gnocchi, there are plenty of oddly specific deal-breakers out there.

But now there’s a new dating red flag separating couples literally and emotionally; pole-splitting.

Back in February, the TikTok account dilco15 posted a video of two girls and a clip from Scary Movie highlighting pole splitting. The TikTok has since been shared on Twitter, and its 3.5 million viewers are adamant that you better not split a pole with your partner.

Most red flags are intended to be indicative of a bigger personality issue later down the road. Pole splitting doesn’t do that.

Instead, it’s more of a superstition; a way of living that shows that nothing, especially not a pole, will ever come between you and your partner.