10 Cheap Games To Play While Bored This Holiday Season
- You deserve a break from all your meme-ing.
Media articles
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Facebook and Google Know What Porn You're Watching,...
- All your dirty secrets and strange fetishes are...
Antifa Block an Old Woman From Crossing the Street...
- Fighting fascism by preventing little old ladies from...
A Tribute to Norm Macdonald's Legacy in Comedy
- We're celebrating Norm's legacy the only way we know...
Romaine Lettuce Could Kill You CDC Tells Country That...
- Do not eat romaine lettuce, the Centers for Disease...
Dudes Posting Their Wins on the Internet Will Never...
- Dudes posting their wins online is still one of our...
Marvel Actors' Reactions About Stan Lee's Passing on...
- Stan Lee, founder of Marvel and king of cameos, passed...
Poor Flight Attendant Was Forced to Wipe Large Man's...
- In some of the grossest news of the week, an...
Drunk Motorcyclist Goes Flying After Crashing Straight...
- Helmets are a lot like toilet paper: You don’t think...
Psychotic Pig Farmer Who Killed 49 Prostitutes and...
- The serial killer has revealed that he wanted to kill...
Learn the Satisfying Origin Story of Triscuits
- Thank God we now have this useless knowledge to pass...
Russia State Media Releases Photograph of WNBA Star...
- Since her detainment, there has been no report on her...
Entire Kindergarten Class Learns To Sign "Happy...
- To celebrate the 60th birthday of James Anthony, a...
Hero Pizza Delivery Man Saves 5 Children From Burning...
- Nicholas Bostic was making a delivery when he came...
Lizzo Quits Twitter After 'Drop Lizzo On Iran' Memes
- Lizzo has had it with the trolls and memers on Twitter...
Absolute Bad*ss Alex Trebek Gives His One-Year Update...
- The survival rate for stage 4 pancreatic cancer is...
College Players Brutal Cheap Shot Gets Him Kicked Off...
- Kewan Platt intentionally elbowed opposing player Nick...
More Footage and Details Emerge Around Viral Attempted...
- Newly-released footage from the incident makes the...
R.I.P. to the 'World of Warcraft' Cosplay Gamer from...
- He set the bar for what good cosplay should be.
That Time A Guy Found A KFC Easter Egg
- When one lucky fan discovered a secret behind KFC's...
NYPD Attacked With Water And Buckets While Making An...
- It was a hot weekend here in New York and though...
Man Sets Himself on Fire Outside the White House:...
- Bystanders uploaded footage of a man engulfed in...
Nintendo Learns Brie Larson Is Most Hated Celebrity...
- Put the Nintendo Switch down, Brie.
Mac's Dream of Playing Catch With Chase Utley Finally...
- Mac from Always Sunny has his dream finally come true!
Twitch Hacked, Entirety Leaked on 4Chan
- The leak, totaling 125GB has been verified as...
Rangers and Capitals Fight Night on Ice Would Make...
- The Rangers and Capitals really don't like each other.
17 Overconfident People Who Thought They Could Drive...
- Californians love to brag about their superior...
Guy’s 'Mint' Truck Damaged by Long Jumping Deer...
- Though both the buyer and the seller of a “mint”...
The Scary Snowman Makes a Halloween Appearance to...
- Unsuspecting people walking down the street get a...
Sean Bean is Turning Down Roles to Avoid Being Killed...
- In damn near every role he's played Sean Bean gets...
Man With $220 Million in Bitcoin Has 2 Password...
- What would you do if you had $220 Million that you...
Felicity Huffman Reports to CA Prison For 14-Day...
- Nice to know she'll still be able to catch some rays...
"Thicc Starfish" Becomes Internet's Latest Viral Meme
- A Twitter user's photo of a rather...
Bubble Bull Soccer is the World's Most Dangerous Game
- This raging rodeo game is exactly what it sounds like....
Criminal Sentenced to 45 Years in Prison Suddenly...
- A dramatic and unexpected scene unfolded at an Ohio...
Woman Who Cheated on Boyfriend With Ghost Agrees to...
- Amethyst Realm claims to have have intimate...
Fungus Growing in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone Could...
- Scientists are testing the effectiveness of C....
Nintendo Thinks Streamers Belong in Jail for Listening...
- Nintendo's acting like a real douche.
Museum Faces Backlash After Removing Famous Painting...
- The Manchester Art Gallery's short-sighted removal of...
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