Reddit User Polishes Silver and Copper Using McDonald’s 'Mayo-Style Sauce'

Last week, Redditor u/vectron5 took to the platform with a McDonald’s related discovery they’d been lovin’ – a few splurts of the goo can leave your fancy cutlery looking as good as new.

By Carly Tennes

Published 1 year ago in Ftw

Last week, Redditor u/vectron5 took to the platform with a McDonald’s related discovery they’d been lovin’ – a few splurts of the goo can leave your fancy cutlery looking as good as new.

Despite mayo’s long-trashed reputation as the sandwich-ruining patron condiment of boring-ass white people, the white, gloopy substance is good for more than setting up very dirty jokes – it can also polish your silver.

Last week, Redditor u/vectron5 took to the platform with a McDonald’s related discovery they’d been lovin’ – a few splurts of the goo can leave your fancy cutlery looking as good as new.

“McDonald's not-mayo is an effective cleaner/polisher of silver and copper,” they wrote alongside a series of images depicting a silver cup before and after getting rubbed down with Mickey D’s Mayo Style Sauce.

Alongside the barrage of typical questions that come with such a strange epiphany –  “How do people figure this stuff out? ‘McD's Ketchup didn't work. Next?’" mused commenter u/ecafyelims – others found themselves preoccupied with what the actual fuck *is* in McDonald’s fake mayo?

“Things like this is why I won’t drink coke or Pepsi,” wrote u/Linkin_G, u/MarcoVinicius noting that “The secret ingredient is vinegar. “It cleans almost anything,” they added With vinegar a serious contender, others began deducing how this hack actually works.

“Vinegar does the same thing. It's the vinegar in the "non-mayo" that is cleaning the rust(oxidation) away,” wrote u/sonofa-ijit. “Typical pH of mayo ~4…so, it’s probably that acid action,” added another.

So, here are the strange cleaning hacks – as u/chael809 so aptly put it, “any chunky liquid can be a polishing compound if you try hard enough.” 

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