Giants' Nose Tackle ‘Sexy Dexy’ Gets His Two Seconds of Sunday Night Football Fame

Giants' nose tackle, Dexter Lawrence got his 2 seconds of Sunday Night Football fame during player introductions against the Washington Commanders.

By zachnading

Published 2 years ago in Funny

Giants' nose tackle, Dexter Lawrence got his 2 seconds of Sunday Night Football fame during player introductions against the Washington Commanders.

Giants' nose tackle, Dexter Lawrence got his two seconds of Sunday Night Football fame during player introductions against the Washington Commanders. We've all seen the Key and Peele sketch, and we've heard players shouting out their elementary schools, but they all pale in comparison to 'Sexy Dexy.'

It's hard to tell if this was a locker room nickname or something Dexter had coined for himself. Dexter Lawrence II may have been born in 1997, but big boy Sexy Dexy was born on SNF.

The NFL, referred to by fans as the 'No Fun League' has been less than accommodating to grown men playing a child's game. After all, football is just a game. Let them celebrate, mic up the players, and allow nicknames on jerseys, because think of all the great names players would choose for themselves in the vein of 'He Hate Me' of the XFL.

Based on Dexter's Twitter handle, Sexy Dexy isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Let's put it in writing, shall we? I'm challenging commissioner, Roger Goodell right here and now. Let Sexy Dexy cook!

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Every Picture of Liam Neeson Covered in His Own Urine

If there is one thing Liam Neeson loves more than losing his daughter in a foreign country, it's peeing his pants.

By Neill Lynskey

Published 2 years ago in Funny

If there is one thing Liam Neeson loves more than losing his daughter in a foreign country, it's peeing his pants.

Liam Neeson can save his kidnapped daughter, train Batman, and become one with the Force, but there’s one thing he apparently can’t do - find a toilet. For years, the internet has been drowning with pics of the Irish actor out on the town with his pants drenched in his own piss. The stains are chronicled in a bunch of Twitter and Reddit threads, and while some may be Photoshopped, most appear to be, unfortunately for all of us, completely real. 

“Let’s replace “does a bear shit in the woods” with “does Liam Neeson smell like pee."' tweeted Chris Fairbanks. The pics have even been talked about on  the Joe Rogen podcast, with Whitney Cummings genuinely theorizing “I think he just gets drunk and pisses himself a lot.” Fair enough. He’s an Irish guy who likes to drink, he makes millions of dollars and doesn’t care what you think. But still… c’mon, Liam. What the hell are you doing? 

Comedian Mike Recine went on the defensive, tweeting “Let Liam Neeson piss his pants you little tattletales.” He is, after all, a grown man. It’s none of our business if he’s potty trained or not. 

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