Sheriff Arrested After Drunkenly Showing Up to Man’s Door and Screaming at Him About His Truck

He’s since been indicted on two charges.

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago in Wtf

He’s since been indicted on two charges.

He’s since been indicted on two charges.

If you’re being harassed by someone, you might want to call the police. However, what if the dude harassing you is, himself, a member of law enforcement?

That’s exactly the predicament that one Kentucky man found himself in after Todd County Sheriff Tracy White showed up at his house furious and (allegedly) drunk. Filming the whole thing, OP catches White ranting about his kids, his truck and a whole host of other topics. Needless to say, White is now facing one count of harassment and another of “menacing,” which I honestly didn’t know was a crime.

This man was enjoying a quiet evening at home with family. His night was gatecrashed by a drunk local Sheriff who started huffing, puffing and belching allegations against this man. The Sheriff proceeded to assault this man on his own front porch. The Sheriff has been indicted for his shenanigans.
byu/methanefreefarts inThatsInsane
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