Imagine you try to take your pet rabbit to see the Bean in Chicago (the bunny’s a huge contemporary art fan) and a random lady slaps you, accusing you of stealing your pet.

TikTok user @emmakearns25 captured the whole ordeal while on her first trip to the Bean. A man scoots his rabbit forward to take a photo and a lady drive-by slaps him.

The video has since been deleted but has been reposted from other TikTok accounts.

“Let the bunny go!" the woman yells after slapping the pet owner.  She does a full somersault after hitting the man. The bunny even steps back as the woman rages.

“Well don’t grab him like that!” she screams at the man trying to walk away, “It’s god's bunny and you’re a liar.”

The video then cuts to a slow-motion replay of the event. And then cuts to the chillest bunny you’ve ever seen, just sitting under the Bean.

There are so many questions: Why is that bunny outside in public without a harness? Why did that man grab the bunny from its back? How is that bunny so chill in public, it's the most vulnerable prey in that park.

These questions may never be answered but the phrase “That's God’s bunny” will forever be housed in the brains of viewers.

Hopefully, God’s bunny still had a good time at the Bean.